Construction Indonesia

10 - 13 SEPTEMBER 2025

Jakarta International Expo, Jakarta - Indonesia

Sektor jasa konstruksi merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang diharapkan dapat menjadi pengungkit pemulihan ekonomi nasional, kendati pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia masih terhambat di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut diperlukan sumber daya manusia (SDM) konstruksi yang unggul, andal, dan terampil. Pembangunan SDM merupakan salah satu pilar Visi Indonesia 2045 dan juga agenda Presiden Joko...
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Pemerintah DKI Jakarta mendesain jembatan penyeberangan orang atau JPO di Jalan Jenderal Sudirman dengan tema kapal pinisi. Jembatan ini memiliki anjungan bernama Anjungan Pandang Jakarta, sehingga masyarakat dapat menikmati pemandangan ibu kota dari atas. “Revitalisasi JPO ini didedikasikan untuk mengenang perjuangan dan pengorbanan tenaga medis dalam menangani pandemi Covid-19,” demikian tertulis di akun Instagram Bina...
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Modular construction has developed massively and is used in many projects around the world. Beyond better quality management and improved completion time, modular construction offers many other benefits for project owners. For architects, developers and owners, today’s modular construction companies can work with a level of design and construction sophistication that will exceed all expectations....
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Penyelenggaraan Asian Games ke-18 pada 2018 silam telah memberikan pelajaran dan pengalaman  penting bagi Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR). Untuk itu, pemerintah menugasi PUPR bersama Ditjen Cipta Karya untuk menyiapkan venue utama dan lapangan latihan untuk Piala Dunia FIFA U-20 Tahun 2021. Hal ini tertuang dalam Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) No. 8 Tahun 2020,...
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Sebanyak 11 konstruksi ruas tol baru sepanjang 125 kilometer direncanakan bakal rampung dilaksanakan hingga akhir Desember 2020. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Hedy Rahadian dalam siaran persnya, akhir pekan lalu. Sebelas ruas tol baru tersebut merupakan bagian dari 64 proyek jalan tol Proyek Strategis...
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Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction industry’s outlook in Southeast Asian countries are expected to remain strong. While most industry players are continuing the operations from home, tenders are still open and budgeting from the governments remain intact. In most countries, property developers are pushing through and nationally significant project continuing, and government tender dates...
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#4 INCREASED PREFABRICATION, MODULARIZATION, AND ECO-FRIENDLINESS There’s been a growing trend towards multi-trade prefabrication. This is something the Multi Trade Prefabrication Conference is now addressing. It was the first ever multi-trade conference that was held for the growing number of construction companies that are implementing prefabrication strategies. A great example of this occurred in Dubai...
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#3 BIM WILL CONTINUE GROWING BIM is again one of the hottest construction technology trends. It comes as no surprise if we take into account that the emergence of an open and highly collaborative data ecosystem is on the way. From a general point of view, BIM will bring more accuracy to the building process...
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March 2020 #2 CONSTRUCTION SOFTWARE & DATA ECOSYSTEM Real-time collaboration software is already regarded as an essential component of the entire building process. Nevertheless, its impact on the sector is expected to increase substantially soon. It goes without saying that data has played an integral role in this paradigm shift in construction. The emergence of...
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March 2020 #1 AUGMENTED REALITY Construction World says that although virtual reality has been an emerging trend over the past few years, it’s quickly growing outdated – especially when compared to augmented reality uses and benefits. This is the ability to visualize the real world through a camera lens. It’s something that’s bound to open...
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